Thursday, July 21, 2011

Salam Dari Laut Biru

'Maybe it's a part of 'Syurgaku Padanya' or maybe.. it's a true story....

Icon Mobile Manager di screen smart phone aku buka setelah hampir seminggu lebih tak berusik. Hahahah... kenapa? ntahlah. Sibuk dengan urusan harian gamaknya. Bertubi-tubi message yang tersenarai dari Blocking Number.... All coming from the same number....

"I've to conduct KD 'something' ship start on Monday. For 2 Weeks. Got tactical training on the ship"
KD 'Something'... I've to hide the actual name atas sbb2 tertentu... demi kebaikan semua pihak.
"I've tried to call you soooo many times... but my call cannot get through.."
Aku belek senarai panggilan masuk dari Blocking Number... 57 misscall from Blocking Number since last week. Patut ke aku gelak? Atau patut ke aku terus mendiamkan diri seperti biasa?. 

"Where are you?"
"Please...please...please.... misscall to my number, & I'll return call to you as soon as I can"
"2 hrs before I departure... from Kota Kinabalu."
"Need to brief all the units this morning. Where are you?"
"Another 1 hour to go. Where have you been?"

Satu satu text message dari blocking number aku buka. 
"On my way to the ship now. No personal call when the ship is on tactical mission. If anything important need my attention, email me. Be safe. Always take care urself & I'll let you know as soon as I'am back. Insyaallah. Another 2 week time. Cheers...."

AKU TERKEDU... salam dari laut biru. Semoga dilindungi Allah hendaknya...

May Allah Bless...


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